Junk Garden DIY Potting Bench Using a Wood Pallet & Salvage

diy project junk garden pallet wood potting bench salvge

Last year I began adding what I love into my own garden.  I love to junk and so creating a junk garden was the perfect project for me. If can see more of my Junk Garden on my YouTube channel.

This year I really wanted to dress up an ugly space on my deck that was covered with electrical boxes and meters.  Since I did not have much of a budget I decided to use what I could find to make a potting bench that could also double as outdoor kitchen space.

A friend of mine gave me a beautiful wood pallet and I found an old garden gate.  Perfect for my next project.

Since I was working on this project in early/ mid April it was not without excitement.  There was a wind advisory and even a few inches of story, but somehow the project was completed and I am so grateful to my daughter for her help.

You can watch the whole process.

What a fun project.  The best part is now that it is complete my daughter and I will be able to enjoy it all summer long.

If you enjoyed this video you can watch more on my YouTube Channel.

I hope this will inspire you to get out there to salvage, repurpose & create!

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