News — booth tour

Booth 101 5 Things to do When Booth Sales are Slow

antique booth booth booth 101 booth display booth tour

Booth 101 5 Things to do When Booth Sales are Slow

Owning a small business is a lot like riding a rollercoaster, full of up and downs.  One minute you are rocking in and on top of the world and the nest minute you wonder if you will ever make your booth rent.  

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Booth Tour February 2022 - My Largest Booth Ever

booth booth tour

Booth Tour February 2022 - My Largest Booth Ever

This year I expanded my booth space to almost double what it was creating my largest booth, yet. Most of the space had no walls. Let me take you on a tour of my new booth space and show you what I have done so far. Owning a booth is always a work in progress, but I am really having so much wit this new space. Hope you like it as much as I do.

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