News — booth 101
Make More Money in Your Booth
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Let's Organize My Studio Space | How I organize for My Antique Booth & Live Sales
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The key to everything running smoothly is organization. I was doing so much in this space it was time to change how things were set up. Join me behind the scenes in my studio space and see how I am organized to not only create, but photograph, get items ready for my live sale and my booth. I hope you find it helpful.
Booth 101 5 Things to do When Booth Sales are Slow
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Booth 101 How to Add LED Lights to Your Booth
antique booth booth booth 101 booth display how to install LED lights LED lighting

As a booth owner and small business owner I wear many hats. I never thought electrician would be one...
Booth 101 Spring Booth Set-Up Junk Garden
antique booth booth 101 booth display spring

Spent a bunch of time in my booth transforming my space into a junk garden. So many new items have been added including a vintage bird bath, porch glider, tons of salvage and so much more. Even though the weather is still yucky come indoors and stroll my junk garden. Booth 134 at Plaza Antiques & Collectibles Mall, 2621 Dix Highway, Lincoln Park, MI